EK Law Office is an immigration law firm serving businesses, entrepreneurs, families and individuals. Whether you reside in the United States or a different country, we can help with your U.S. immigration needs. Because U.S. immigration law is federal in nature, we can serve our clients in all fifty states of the United States as well as in any other country around the world.
Elena Kochutin
Founding Attorney
Elena's area of legal expertise is Immigration and Nationality Law, including business and family immigration. After receiving her law degree and becoming a licensed attorney in 2007, Elena worked with some of the most reputable immigration law firms in Georgia. She founded EK Law Office in 2011 and has helped hundreds of clients build their future in the United States. No two cases are alike, and Elena is committed to finding the most effective solution to your legal matter.
J.D. (cum laude), Georgia State University
M.B.A. in International Business, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.A. in Linguistics, Urals State Pedagogical University
Admitted to Practice :
Georgia Supreme Court
Northern District of Georgia, United States District Court
Professional Associations:
State Bar Association of Georgia
American Immigration Lawyers Association